I first encountered iced tea in America. It is blissful walking into an air conditioned…
Go Green With These Easy Eco-Friendly Tips
Going green has become a more significant focus for many people than ever before in recent years. Making changes that benefit the planet rather than harm it has been something many people strive for, but knowing how you can make a meaningful difference can be challenging. While paying lots of money for an electric car or getting solar panels installed at their home may be out of the question and just too expensive for many people, there are plenty of changes that you can make to your lifestyle to benefit the planet. If you are keen to go green and to start making some eco-friendly changes, these tips should provide you with plenty of inspiration to get started:
Put Your Green Fingers to Work
Whether you have an allotment, a garden, a windowsill or all of the above to work with, there are loads of different ways you can put your green fingers to work and make a difference to the environment. Growing your own produce is a great way to start cutting down your carbon footprint by reducing the food miles created by buying fruit and vegetables from the supermarket. Getting out into the garden and nurturing your produce is such a satisfying feeling, especially when you start to see the results of your hard work and eat the first things you have grown.
If you want to make your garden even better for the environment, you could sow some bee-friendly seeds to encourage these pollinators into your garden, and you will get the bonus of plenty of brightly-coloured blooms to brighten up your outdoor space.
Buy Pre-Owned
In the past couple of years, there has been a lot of talk about the circular economy and finding ways to reduce waste wherever possible rather than continually buying new items. Embracing the principles of the circular economy is an excellent way to make changes in your purchase behaviour that can benefit the planet. Making simple changes such as buying a refurbished phone from a company such as UR phones rather than buying a new one is a great starting point. Buying pre-loved clothing from charity shops or online marketplaces and donating or re-selling your old clothes is another excellent way to keep them circulating and will also help to reduce the amount of clothing that ends up in landfills.
Make Small Changes
Making some additional small changes in your home and your lifestyle can make a big difference over time. Switching from regular light bulbs to energy-efficient alternatives is a great place to start and should help you to lower your electricity bill at the same time. Using your tumble dryer less and making the most of fine weather to dry your clothes outdoors on the washing line can make a massive difference to both your carbon footprint and your energy costs. These changes may appear minor, but they all add up to a big difference for the environment and a healthy reduction in the cost of running your home.
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