The first weekend in May is always a bank holiday weekend in the UK and…
Young Driver Lessons
Some time ago I was lucky enough to win a Young Driver lesson from The Olivier’s Madhouse. I had never heard of Young Driver lessons before, the lessons allow children aged 11 – 17 to get behind the wheel of a car and learn to drive. The lessons take place on private property and there are 33 venues across the UK. The one nearest me is at the Metro Centre in Gatehead. I wasn’t sure what to expect, it is a long time since I had driving lessons. When I learnt to drive cars only had three gears, the theory test did not exist and parallel parking was not part of the driving test. I have memories of learning on a trading estate and spending ages trying to get the car to move off. It was a bit like a kangaroo at first, jumping up and down as I tried to master clutch control. I was really interested to see what the young driver lessons would be like. It was really easy to book the lesson on-line and when it was time we headed off to drive.
The lesson itself took place in the Metro Centre coach park. A large section of the car park had been cordoned off and there were about fifteen or sixteen cars available for the driving lessons. We had to go into a temporary hut to sign in and then waited a few minutes for the lesson to start. My son was really quite excited to see what was like to drive a real car. He has driven go-karts before and more recently diggers at Diggerland, but a car on a road is a little different. The cars are Skoda Citygo, which are a nice size for learning in and all have dual control. Soon it was time for the lesson to start and my son set off with his instructor.
I expected them to take a while before they actually started off but they were off and driving within a couple of minutes. The track was quite large so they were able to drive up and down with plenty of room. They also had to practice avoiding other cars on the road.
At one point they spent some time going round and round the cones in tight curves which was great for steering practice. The cones were quite close together so it must have been quite hard for a first time driver.
By the time the lesson ended my son was driving round the track quite confidently. He even managed to park the car between the lines in the parking space.
Once the lesson had finished my son received a log book which showed what level he had achieved and what he needed to work on next time. If he goes back for another lesson this will mean he can progress onto the next stage. He thoroughly enjoyed the driving lesson but he was absolutely shattered when he had finished. I don’t think he realised quite how much concentration it actually takes to drive a car. He is now a lot more considerate when I am driving. I think that the Young Driver Lessons are a great idea and may well take my son back for a couple more. You can find more information about Young Driver lessons on their website.
awww I am so pleased he enjoyed it and to get to see some pictures from the Competition win!
My daughter loved hers too!
Thanks for linking up with #MagicMoments
He had a great time, thanks very much
I have never heard of this before, but that’s such a good idea. Getting young people confident around a car can only be a good thing!
I think it is a great idea, I would have been so much more confident when learning if I had tried this
We had someone do a talk at school about driving once and they said they’d come back and do some off road lessons on the playground. Everyone got very excited but sadly it never happened. Glad to see it’s happening somewhere.
What a shame, it would have been a great experience for the kids
Wow, what a fabulous experience – Sophie is now 13 and can’t wait to start driving . You can start “accompanied driving” lessons in France (with a parent on the roads) when you’re 15 – eeek ! It used to be 16 but the brought it down to 15 last year. Scary !
eeek to fifteen. The advantage of the lessons is they have a dual control car. I think I would be a bit worried about sitting in the car with my son and not having a brake! He absolutely loved it
Such a great idea, all my kids would love to do this.
It really is a great idea. My son is much more aware now of how hard it is to drive.