Chicken supreme is a tasty combination of chicken and bacon in a delicious creamy sauce.…
Chicken Paprika
Having taken part in the Ainsley barbecue experience I found that I still had plenty of couscous left. I wanted a recipe that would work really well with couscous and then I remembered this recipe for Chicken Paprika. I decided to try serving it with Ainsley Harrott Moroccan Medley couscous and see how it worked.
I have no idea where the recipe came from. It’s a recipe my mum used to make for dinner parties. It is great for that as you can make it ahead of time, then on the night all you need to do is add cream, warm through and serve. The flavour actually improves if you do this.
Here is the recipe:
Chicken Paprika
- 2 onions
- 2 tsp salt
- 2 tbsp paprika
- ½ pint tomato sauce or chicken stock mixed with tomato puree.
- 3 chicken breasts or a chicken cut into pieces.
- 1 pint of thick cream, preferably sour
- Saute the two sliced onions until soft.
- Add the salt, paprika and the tomato sauce (or chicken stock mixed with tomato puree)
- Add the chicken.
- Cover and cook on a low heat stirring occasionally until the chicken is cooked.
- Mix in the cream and serve as soon as heated though, make sure it does not boil
This is the result.
It is a lovely creamy dish with a hint of fire from the paprika. I was really pleased with how well the Ainsley Harriott Moroccan Medley couscous complemented it. This couscous contains apple, sunflower seeds and cumin which blend into a lovely couscous with a fruity hint of spice. If you do try this recipe I would love to know what you think.
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Oooo this sounds and looks scrummy def g