Autumn is definitely here, the mornings are colder and it is darker earlier. While it…
Ten Things I Love About Spring
I woke up this morning and for once it really felt like Spring. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, the skies were blue. There is still a nip in the air but I am hopeful we might get some sunny days soon. It will be lovely to wave goodbye to the snow and be able to get out and enjoy the garden.
I thought I would share ten things I love about Spring to get us all in the mood for sunny days.
- The days are starting to get longer. The mornings are bright when I get up and the nights are bright when I come home. It is lovely not to have to walk the dog in the dark and try not to fall over things on the path.
- I can see lots of birds everywhere. They are trying to build nests and are in the trees singing. It is lovely to walk along and see and hear them.
- The flowers are starting to come out and the trees are starting to bud. It is nice to see splashes of colour everywhere.
- I can put away my winter clothes and get out clothes for warmer weather and open shoes. I still have to wear cardigans but the promise of long hot days is in the air.
- I can go for long walks in the park and the dog does come home covered with mud.
- I can open the windows in the house and let the fresh air in without shivering.
- I can get into the garden, sit in the sun, do some weeding and bring it back to life. I can also get my fountain out of the garage as I no longer need to worry about it freezing.
- There are baby animals in the fields. It is lovely to see lambs and calves running around.
- The green colour all around. Have you noticed how in winter the fields tend to go brown and grey. The grass is now green and leaves are appearing making everything look fresh.
- Bees and insects are starting to appear. There is something about the buzzing that makes it feel like Spring.
What do you like about Spring?
Erica Price says
I like the fresh greens of the new leaves and the spring flowers. We go from snowdrops, to crocuses to daffodils and I like that progression.
Cheryl says
Sunshine – haven’t seen much of that so far though ! Love seeing the flowers starting to appear too – there are a few crocus flowers but the daffs aren’t out yet