A happy home environment is something that everybody deserves. However, it is particularly important as…
Keeping Your Home Clean When You Have Pets

Owning pets has huge benefits for one’s happiness and mental health. Whether you have dogs, cats, rabbits, or guinea pigs, these furry friends can provide a sense of companionship and love. They are there with you through the good times and provide a shoulder to cry on during the bad. You can play with your pets, take them for walks, or even just cuddle up on the sofa watching your favourite film.
But the biggest downside of keeping an animal in your home is the mess. Pets can track mud through the house, shed their hair on your furniture, and have little accidents in unfortunate places. As a pet owner, it can often seem like you spend all your time cleaning up after your beloved animal.
But fortunately, it is entirely possible to have a pet and keep your house in good order at the same time. You just have to have a few essential tools in your arsenal as well as some top cleaning tips and tricks.
Here are a few ways to keep your home neat and tidy when you have pets.
Invest in a quality vacuum cleaner
Cats, dogs, and other animals shed their fur all the time. Any pet owner will be used to the sight of a sofa covered in matted hairs. Although ultimately harmless. This can look unsightly, and cause issues if you invite any friends with allergies over. But a few stray hairs are relatively easy to clean up, as long as you have a good quality vacuum cleaner. The cheaper hoovers on the market will struggle to pick up hairs, so you may need to spend a bit more on an appliance that is designed to suck up furs that are bedded into furniture. Give your home and furniture a good vacuuming at least once a week to keep those hairs at bay.
Keep your pets clean
If you have outdoor pets, they no doubt end up covered in mud and dirt every time they leave the house. Although time-consuming, it’s a good idea to give your animal a clean every time they come back inside. This will prevent them from leaving dirty pawprints on your floors and reduce the amount of cleaning you have to do. Keep your wet and dirty pet confined to one particular location such as a laundry room or front porch and lay down some old towels or newspaper. Use this area for cleaning and don’t let your pet into the house until they are free of mud and dirt.
Keep cleaning products to hand
Dogs and cats make all kinds of messes, from bathroom accidents to spilled food and dirty paw prints. You’re going to spend a lot of time cleaning, so make sure you are ready to react quickly at the first sign of a mess. This means keeping plenty of cleaning products easily accessible at all times. You’ll need plenty of wet wipes, cleaning sprays, cloths, and towels.
Minimise food mess
Some pets are messy eaters, and it’s easy for spilled food and water to leave stains on your floor. You can minimise food mess by not giving your animal too much food at one time. If they need more, you can always refill their bowl, but a mountain of food will just end up all over the place. It’s also important to think about your pet food mat, on which you rest your dog or cat’s bowl. Many cheap plastic mats will allow water and food mess to collect underneath, leading to staining that can be difficult to remove. A good-quality absorbent pet food mat will prevent this, by absorbing any spillages and ensuring your floors remain spotless.
Wash your pet paraphernalia
Dog toys, beds, leads, and other items your pet uses can all get smelly and dirty quite quickly. They become smelly, and this can cause unpleasant odours to spread through your home. Make an effort to wash your dog or cat’s things regularly. Just stick them in the washing machine on a quick warm wash, paying attention to the manufacturer’s instructions. Not only will this prevent nasty smells from causing a stink, but it will also reduce the accumulation of bacteria. Your home will be cleaner and more hygienic as a result.
By following these tips, you can enjoy all the great benefits of owning a pet but without any of the unpleasant mess and odours that can occur. Just make sure you are proactive with cleaning up after your furry friend and you’ll be able to live together in peace and harmony.
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